Men, stop wondering and asking, “How do I get out of the friend zone with a girl?” I'm going to teach you how to get out of the friend zone and how to avoid the friend zone.
Many men make these simple mistakes that automatically puts them in the friend zone instead of having the privilege to become friends with benefits.
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The ONLY place she puts her lips - DEFINITELY TIRED OF THE FRIEND ZONE |
step 1 to getting out of the friend zone - Change Your Actions
There’s something you probably never realized...
The reason that you’re friends (and not intimate) with this girl is DIRECTLY related to the things that you did when you first met her. As your relationship developed, you made her look at you like a buddy, NOT as a sexual being.
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DAMN, a bro gon' go broke! STOP tricking money on dates. |
• Calling her all the time
• Listening to her talk about her guy problems (which friend is benefiting from this?)
• Taking her on ‘pseudo’ dates
• Putting her needs in front of yours
• Being the shoulder she can always cry on
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Man cupcaking with woman, trying to get out of the friend zone |
The key is to do these things without coming across as a complete asshole. What I suggest is to simply become “really busy” in your life. Don’t completely blow her off, but let her know that you need to take care of some things for awhile.
Which brings us to the next phase of this plan...
Step 2 to getting out of the friend zone- Transform Yourself
Now that we’ve removed yourself from her immediate radar, you’re going to work on becoming the kind of person she would find sexually enticing. Whereas you were once her “emotional tampon”, you’ll now become someone who she WANTS to date.
This means creating an attractive lifestyle where she can’t help but be drawn to you!
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Even this old man knows how to attract women by having a life! |
Perhaps she might even be as great as you once thought!
Next, you should start hanging out with more women. This is another action that’ll give an idea of what else is out there. For all you know, there might be someone who is MUCH better than this girl.
Finally after a few weeks, even months, you want to reconnect with your female friend. Call her up and talk about some of the things that you’ve done with yourself. (Hopefully you’ll have a lot of stories that’ll pique her interest).
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Maybe soon, he'll get out of the friend zone to friends with benefits! |
Now once you’re on the phone, make a suggestion to “hang out” sometime. This leads us to the next (and final) phase...
The key to a successful meeting (or date) is to do something that’ll connect to the emotional (not logical) side of her brain. You want to bring her somewhere where you she’ll connect the positive feelings to being around you.
So forget all thoughts of a boring activity like a dinner or movie!
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He's cupcaking, but getting a bit closer to her!!! |
For instance, you can bring to places like an amusement park, dancing, exercising, working out, engaging in a sport, watching an exciting athletic game, doing something risky/dangerous, or going to a fun concert.
All of these ideas are great for getting her to move around and arousing the emotional side of her brain.
Now when you’re with her, you want to focus on creating SEXUAL TENSION. Rather than being the predictable, sexless man she once knew, you’re acting like a potential lover.
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Frustrated with being stuck in the friend zone, but getting out of it... BADASS! |
This means flirting, teasing her, playfully touching her and having fun. These actions are critical because you want her to see you in a completely new light. And since she is already having fun, she’s not going to be in a position where she worries about “ruining your friendship”.
She’ll no longer see you as a friend. You’ll be the exciting guy who can elevate her positive emotions. And at this point, things will naturally evolve into a more “intimate” relationship. Hence, helping you escape the friend zone.
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Doesn't seem he'll escape the friend zone - needs The Tao of Badass, BADLY! |
This three-step plan is incredibly effective because it avoids the awkward conversation that some guys feel is the “only” way to change the nature of a relationship. Rather than forcing her to make a decision, you’re subtly altering her opinion of you in a way that’s connecting to her emotional states instead of her logic.
Good luck staying out the friend zone! Don’t be friend zoned, learn more on how to escape the friend zone to become friends with benefits instead…
Get your Tao of Badass ebook now ► (click pic in upper right)
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Nerd #FAIL... stuck with a blow up doll, not getting laid! |
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